Havng Trouble Logging in?


If you are having trouble logging in, please follow the prompts underneath the, "Having trouble logging in?" link from the main login page or in the "Your Profile" menu.  You will be given two options.  Retrieve Username and Reset Your Password.


1. Retrieve Username

Enter the email address associated with your username to receive an email containing your account information.

If you do not receive an email, please consult the bottom of this article.


2. Reset Your Password

You can change or reset your password directly from the main login page by providing your username. An email will be sent to the address on file containing instructions on how to reset your password.

If you do not receive an email, please consult the bottom of this article.


Not Receiving Retrieve Username or Reset Password Emails?

Not sure where that email was sent? Here are some tips to help you find it.


1. Search for the email

We'll send the email from "noreply@infobase.com," so you can quickly search for it. If it isn't in your inbox, check your folders. If a spam filter or email rule moved the email, it might be in the Spam, Junk, Trash, Deleted Items, or Archive folder.


2. Make sure you're checking the correct email account

If you're looking for a password reset email, make sure you're checking the correct email inbox. It will only be sent to the email address that you added to your account.


3. Resend the email

To resend a reset email, repeat the steps to reset your password and we'll send another copy to the email address on file.


4. Make sure that you're getting email

If you're not getting any email, you might need to contact your email service provider for help.

5. Contact us

If you still can't find the reset email, please use the Contact Us menu option at the top of the support center to contact our support department for assistance.

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