Adding your Own Introduction Videos to your Playlist


the option of uploading of an introductory video and attaching it to any of your playlists.  Introductory videos are hosted and converted to optimal streaming formats by Infobase automatically, for free.

** Note - Depending on the format uploaded and the compression used to create your source video, the amount of time before it is available to play inside your playlist may vary. This process typically takes only a few minutes.

Only ONE introductory video may be uploaded per playlist.

Introductory videos may be reordered using the sequence section inside playlist editing mode if desired


The video file must conform to the following guidelines:

  • Be in one of the following formats: MP4, FLV, WMV, or MOV
  • Be less than 100MB (~2-3 minutes in length)

Using a video you recorded on your phone or tablet?

For the best results, we recommend orienting your phone in the horizontal position, as shown below.  Leaving your device in the vertical position (especially on iPhones) will result in an extremely distorted video.

Correct Phone Orientation


Uploading Your Video

To upload your own video to any playlist, click on the edit icon underneath the desired playlist. 

On the right-hand side of the playlist you will find the Upload Intro Video section of your playlist. 

To upload a video, click on the Upload File button and browse for the video on your computer.
Once selected, the button will change to a yellow, processing button as shown below. This button will remain while the video is uploading to our CDN for processing.

Once the upload and conversion process is complete, the yellow button will change to a green, Upload Complete message, as shown below.

Below the file upload section are text boxes to enter a custom video title and description. The title will be pre-populated for you with default text. The description is optional.
Once you have finished adding your intro video and descriptive text, click the Save Changes button at the top of this page to save your intro video.

Your playlist will remain in editing mode after it has been saved and the intro video will automatically appear as the first item in your playlist sequence, in green, as shown below.
You may use your mouse to move this intro video up or down to change the order. 

To delete the intro video from any playlist, use the X icon to the right of the intro video in the sequence section. If you delete your intro video, it will be removed from the Infobase CDN as well, but only after you click the Save Changes button. Failure to click Save Changes will result in the intro remaining within your playlist.

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